Webinar Series: Privacy Summer School

August 08, 2024

Are you responsible for privacy compliance at your company? Sharpen your pencils and grab your highlighters for this three-part series on critical privacy laws, DPOs and privacy officers (and when you should appoint one), and website privacy requirements. Each session will have 45 minutes of in-depth information and Q&A tailored to the life sciences industry, led by Paul Rothermel, J.D.

Register for the sessions individually below.

SESSION 1: 10 Things You Should Know About Privacy, Consent, and HIPAA

Thursday, June 13th from 1:00 - 1:45 p.m. CT

Get ready to ace your next privacy test after this session covering key information drug and device manufacturers need to comply with US (and non-US) privacy laws.

SESSION 2: Do I Really Need A Privacy Officer, DPO or CISO?

Thursday, July 18th from 1:00 - 1:45 p.m. CT

Should you raise your hand to be a DPO or privacy officer? Be sure to “take note” as we “highlight” these requirements in GDPR, HIPAA and other privacy laws.

SESSION 3: Privacy Policy Pop Quiz – Are You Ready?

Thursday, August 8th from 1:00 - 1:45 p.m. CT

If you haven’t checked your privacy policy in the last six months, it may not be ready for a pop quiz. Learn about the latest privacy policy requirements in this overview of website privacy compliance